مارس 7th, 2010 بواسطة إباء اسماعيل
مشاركة شعرية بتاريخ 9/ آذار/2010
في أمسية شعرية مع بعض الأكاديميين من جامعة ميتشغن / فلِنت الأمريكية وأذكر منهم د. محمد دعاسة من تونس . سأقرأ مجموعة من قصائدي باللغتين العربية والانكليزية . كما سيشارك الآخرون بقراءة الشعر بعدة لغات أخرى: الإنكليزية والاسبانية والعربية ….
الدعوة مفتوحة للجميع
على الرابط
Ibaa Ismail: Arabic
Ibaa Ismail published her first collection of poems in Arabic Horses of Light and Alienation”, then “Songs of the Soul” and “The Light of My Nation”, a collection of poems for children, then “Inflammations of An Emigrant”. Her latest collection is “The Awakening of Fire and Jasmine”. Ibaa’s poems were included in a number of anthologies, such as The Anthology of Arab American Poetry. She participated in many evening literary performances and symposiums sponsored by different American and Arab American cultural organizations.
Jamile Trueba Lawand: Spanish Andalusian Poetry in English Translation
Jamile Trueba Lawand teaches Spanish at the University of Michigan-Flint, where she also directs the “Middle Eastern” Studies Program. Born in Brazil, she was raised both in Michigan and Spain (in Seville, the capital of Andalusia), and has travelled to several European destinations. Her interests include understanding cultural identity in the Spanish-speaking world, and the study of the Arabo-Islamic presence (711-1492) in Spain: Al-Andalus.
Also Presenting: Mohamed Daassa, Jennifer Amble & Abrar Jondy
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